Nuggets are posts with links I stumble across and want to remember in the future, either for reference or because they might provide input for longer ramblings. Now I don't know if this is something blogworthy or not, if you stumble across this and consider it an idiotic idea, let me know in the comments.Deployment
Jan Steenbeek explains how to trick SharePoint into deploying solutions to target a specific web application instead of making it globally available in this article. Good tip. Combine it with these simple powershell deployment scripts from Softartisans and go deploy.Kill the mobile interface
SharePoint Joel has figured out that noone uses WAP anymore and urges us to "Kill SharePoint 2010 Mobile Interface". I couldn't agree more.Dependency injection
Dependency Injection and inversion of control is something that confused me for a long time. James Shore has an introductory article on the subject where he says: "Dependency injection means giving an object its instance variables. Really. That's it.". And in it's simplest form, this is actually true.At the end of the article he points to further reading that goes into depth on the subject. This is something that is widely used in the .NET community and something that I will come back to in a blog entry in the future.
It is not strange at all (from my viewpoint).
SvaraRaderaI use mindmeister mindmapping to map all interesting blog posts. As I have been doing this for quite a while I amassed about ~1200 links and growing each day in ~100 subcategories of SharePoint starting from Admin, Dev, User interface, Business Intelligence, WCM, planning, migration and then down into the many subject related to those... I am still looking at ways to share this map with the community.
Very cool! @ me on twitter if you put it up somewhere would you?